More than 1 million new ads are published on OLX every day. Promote your ads to keep your products visible for as long as possible and to find buyers from all over Ukraine as quickly as possible.

Learn how promotion on OLX works

Top ads

The service consists in rotating display of an ad on a listing page with a special advertising icon. How many days the ad will remain in the TOP depends on your choice.

It is to your choice how many days the ad will last in the TOP. It will be on top for 3 days with the "Easy Start" set, 7 days - with "Quick Sale" and 30 days - with "Turbo Sale". The service can also be ordered separately - for 7 or 30 days.

Top ads are highlighted in color and displayed randomly. If you don't see your ad at the moment, other users are viewing it.

All of the top ads are also available in the list of regular ads.

Learn how promotion on OLX works - фото №3645

Push up

The service updates the ad publication date, that is, it raises your ad to the top of the list, or gives it an additional priority in issuing when using the "Recommended" filter.

You can use the Push up service to get it up again. It is available in the "Quick Sale" (3 automatic pushups to the top of the list) and "Turbo Sales" sets (9 pushups).

The service can also be ordered separately - once or for 7 days.

Learn how promotion on OLX works - фото №3664

VIP ad

Your offer will be located on the main OLX page which has about 1.5 million views daily!

The service can be activated for 7 days separately or in the "Turbo sale" set (also for 7 days). The package offer also includes the services "Push up" 9 times and "TOP ads" for 30 days.

All VIP ads are also available in the regular ads list.

Learn how promotion on OLX works - фото №3646

How to order paid services on OLX

How to order paid services on OLX - фото №4225

Promote your ads on OLX by yourself or with a manager.

You can order promotion for your ad while posting it or later – at any convenient time

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